I must offer my sincere apologies, for it has come to my attention that I've been mistakenly sharing your splendid fan art on the wrong type of web. In retrospect, the vexed expression on Sydney the Spider should have alerted me to my blunder. Although he holds your creations in the highest esteem, he was rather perturbed by their unexpected placement on his humble abode.
I've come to the realization that in order to share your artwork, I must once again employ the rectangular contraption adorned with letters, known as a laptop. It does seem logical to use it upon one's lap, yet more often than not, I find myself perching it upon Grump, my faithful canine companion. Perhaps "Dogtop" would be a more fitting name.
I fear I may be prattling on, and for that, I beg your pardon. Fan art! Oh, the sheer brilliance of your artistic talents leaves me awestruck. Allow me the pleasure of showcasing them right here in this space.